Blog from February, 2009

Back in Launceston after a 17 year absence and pretty keen to climb. Strangely for an erstwhile climber, have been living in the flattest past of England for the last few years but managed to keep some form via the climbing wall (the most vertical thing in Norwich).

Was hoping for some advice from forum users re avenues onto the rock. I see there a climbing wall at the College - what's it like? Is there a local climbing club? Is there anyone out there who needs a climbing partner?



Climbing gear for sale
Only used indoors one school holiday program by 12 year old lad
XS harness -
Reddish suede shoes measure 22cm about size 5 I guess
$100 the lot 6243 9914 evenings or leave msg

Draws found at Hillwood


Found 2 quickdraws on a route at Hillwood last weekend (Sun 15th). Would have posted this earlier but living in a tent means internet is at a premium. If they are yours drop me a line at rjhalsey AT gmail DOT com. or 0411222540.


climbing around Hobart

Hello everyone!

I'll be in Hobart for a week starting on Tue, Feb 17th, and am keen to go climbing around there, grades probably somewhere around 20-23 (I haven't been outdoors for a bit). Would anyone be up for a day or two of climbing?

If you want to contact me, either call me or write an email to climbing.baxtmann AT


0431 674 453

Cheap Indoor Climbing

Hobart College climbing wall is open to the public every Wednesday evening 6.00 to 8.00pm. There are nine top ropes covering about twenty routes of varying grades. Cost is $5.00 plus a once off $5 membership to Sport Climbing Australia to cover insurance. The gym is located opposite the tennis courts on the Mt Nelson campus. Come up & enjoy a friendly non commercial atmosphere. Feel free to set a route or problem of your own. Any questions, please give me a call. 04 2942 6133

Richard Nichols

Having made it to Hillwood for a day last weekend, I am keen to head there for this coming weekend (7-8 Feb), if anyone is available to help a South African climber out who is stuck on a vineyard earning a crust...

Phone recetion is pretty bad where I am but if you sent a mail to rjhalsey AT gmail DOT com, I should be able to check it Fri evening and get in touch.




I was wondering if anyone had a spare room to rent for a few weeks in launceston from mid feb.
I am making the move from down south so as to study nursing and am looking for somewhere
to stay for a few weeks while making the transition. It would only be until around the end of March at the longest.
Just thought I would put it out there (smile)

If interested give me a phone on 0428789386 or email
