Hi all,

I've been working on making topos easier to make, and have the first cut of online topo drawing done. This lets you upload the image and then draw the lines on it within the web page.

Thanks to Jed who has been finding all the bugs and Brendan Heywood who wrote the original code (now heavily modified) for thecrag.

Jed has done a bunch of topos in the new tool already on the Mount Brown and Step Tier pages.

Its probably about 80-90% finished, still needs more bug fixed and more user friendliness, and a few more features still to be added. It also needs some different styles for bouldering topos. If you find any bugs let me know.

Have also been working on improving the maps, but thats not finished yet.

Here's a quick run through of how to use it:

To edit, click "Edit this guide" and edit the image as per normal


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