I've got to do some work on the guide code in the next couple of months in order to upgrade the server etc. I will also probably at the same time cut new versions of the print and iphone guides.

At the moment I'm going to add one new feature - the ability to easily comment on individual climbs/problems, including fields for opinions on the grade and stars, with a summary of this that is off by default but can be shown. In the commenting feature I may include a 4-star option for best-in-Tas climbs, so these can be searched for, but not planning on introducing this in the actual guides. Commenting through the iphone app may make it.

If anyone has any ideas or requests for new features for the web/printed/iphone guides let me know - if they arent too hard and I have time they may make it.

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  1. A  map for each section would be good.   Incorporating a editable Google map  for each area so users could easily add geographic location data.

    1. Jon Nermut AUTHOR

      Adding points from the mobile app would be useful