Hi tassie climbers

it has been a while since I’ve been in tassie climbing and I now have a 4 year old. Strangely I never really focused on suitable areas for climbing with a 4 year old in tow. Can anyone recommend anything? I’m planning on the hobart to north north east area. Prefer trad but beggars can’t be choosers season anything will do.

Thanks in advance! Erika

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  1. How mobile and independent are they? 

    Sphinx rock, rest of the mountain less so.

    Sand River is ok, some of the walks might be a bit too long.

    Kempton is good as far as ok walk in and nice and flat around the climbing, but you've got to keep kids away from underneath climbing because of so much loose rock.

    Waverly Park bouldering

    Fruehauf is surprisingly good for kids to hang out at if its not too crowded.

    1. Erika Heiden AUTHOR

      Hi Jon,

      Thanks so much for the response. He is pretty good getting around, but he is still 4 and they can be a bit unpredictable at that age! These suggestions are great, I really appreciate it.

      Do you know if anything is suitable at South Sister or Launceston area?

      Regards, Erika

      1. Nb I’ve taken my 5 yo and 9 yo to all those areas above.

        In Launceston,various buttresses off the track on the shady side of the gorge should be ok, eg double dozen, new move, the only problem being the many passers-by. Most of the buttresses on the sunny side of the gorge, and north and south esk, have too steep hillsides and approaches, but there might be some you can find that are ok, like Trackside etc. Hillwood would be ok, but it’s closed at the moment. 

        South sister may be too rocky, but can’t remember tbh, give it a reccy.

  2. Erika Heiden AUTHOR

    This is great info Jon thanks so much for sharing!