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<guide><text class="heading1" new="false"
        number="null.">Coastal Crags</text><text class="text"
        number="null.">The cliffs along the coastline between Bluestone Bay and the Nuggets have been the most intensively climbed cliffs on the peninsula since their discovery by climbers in about, 1974. These cliffs are generally characterised by good rock, good protection, easy access and morning sun.
The coastal cliffs are normally accessed from the Bluestone Bay campsite. Refer to the coastal cliffs map, and the individual crag descriptions for access information. Routes (and cliffs) are presented left to right (south to north).</text><image
        new="false" noPrint="false" number="null."
        src="Coles_Bay_WWW_Map.PNG" width="800">null</image></guide>