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  <!--  Dont edit this text directly!!! You will screw it up. Use the Edit Guide link on the view page  -->
  <header id="54" name="St Helens" walk="Mostly short" sun="Mixed" rock="Granite" acknowledgement="" intro="There are plenty of granite boulders around St Helens, Binnalong Bay and the Bay of Fires, but not much to boulder on. There are one or two problems scattered in most areas but not many worth the effort to get there. If you are in the area and have a car the best area found to date is at the end of Cosy Corner beach. Areas that have been looked at are: - Binalong Bay - One possible area just out of Binalong Bay as you head to the coastal walking track. Only worth visiting if you are in the area. - Binalong to the Gardens - Only real area is Cosy Corner the rest is disappointing. - Skeleton Point - Six metere faces at the point with bad landings and not much else. - Beer Barrel Beach - Nothing worth visiting. Areas that may be worth a look: - Eddystone Point - Humbug Point - In the hills behind Cosy Corner are a lot of boulders" history="" access="" camping="" autonumber="false"/>
  <text class="heading1" id="3">Cosy Corner</text>
  <text class="text" new="false" id="5">To get to Cosy Corner take the road to Binalong Bay from St Helens. Turn onto the Gardens Road (C248) a couple of kilometres before Binalong Bay. Drive along the Gardens Rd until you pass the road at the Norrthern end of Cosy Corner beach. Take the next road right, it is on a bend and unmarked, this will take you to the car park and the first boulder on the headland.</text>
  <image new="false" noPrint="false" src="OverviewTopo.png" width="500" id="4" height="485"/>
  <gps id="55">
    <point pid="1" latitude="-41.21720" longitude="148.28443" easting="607668" northing="5436335" zone="55G" code="" description="Paddling Pool Boulders"/>
    <point pid="2" description="Car Park Boulders" latitude="-41.21740" longitude="148.28363" easting="607601" northing="5436314" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="3" description="Water Front Boulders" latitude="-41.21706" longitude="148.28447" easting="607672" northing="5436351" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="4" description="Sloop Reef Boulders" latitude="-41.20963" longitude="148.28535" easting="607757" northing="5437175" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="5" description="Heart Beat Blocks" latitude="-41.21517" longitude="148.28320" easting="607568" northing="5436562" zone="55G"/>
  <text class="heading2" new="false" id="6">Car Park Boulders</text>
  <text class="text" new="false" id="7">These are the boulders next to the car park in the casurinas.</text>
  <text class="heading3" id="8">The Thumb</text>
  <image src="St Helensthumb.jpg" id="9" height="600"/>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V6" name="Absolution" new="false" number="1." stars="" id="10"/>
  <text id="78" class="heading3">The Belly</text>
  <text class="text" id="11">This boulder is the large slabby dome right next to the Thumb.</text>
  <image id="80" src="IMG_4789.JPG" height="667" width="500" legend="true" legendx="332" legendy="614">
      <path id="1566" points="456,403, 416,288, 391,185, 352,126," d="M456,403C440,357 428.1140559955706,328.6286801082214 416,288C403.8859440044294,247.37131989177865 401.3945099854605,211.31110340069688 391,185C380.6054900145395,158.68889659930312 367.6,149.6 352,126" linkedTo="83"/>
      <path id="6409" points="186,429, 225,311, 218,195, 233,98, 219,57," d="M186,429C201.6,381.8 218.7017773569193,357.0557530775275 225,311C231.2982226430807,264.9442469224725 216.52644078755526,234.23351403134086 218,195C219.47355921244474,155.76648596865914 232.87442544750974,115.32928824365753 233,98C233.12557455249026,80.67071175634247 224.6,73.4 219,57" linkedTo="84"/>
      <path id="85544" points="1,363, 63,278, 117,220, 134,117, 159,60," d="M1,363C25.8,329 43.03055807428855,302.6175016842822 63,278C82.96944192571145,253.38249831571778 104.20961377764249,249.0035518563318 117,220C129.7903862223575,190.9964481436682 127.67880338247683,141.08074901913588 134,117C140.32119661752319,92.91925098086412 149,82.8 159,60" linkedTo="85"/>
  <climb id="85" stars="" extra="" number="1" name="Descent route aka Ripple Thief" length="" grade="VE" fa="">Small edges and good smears get you to the top of the boulder. Potentially easiest way up and down from the boulder.&lt;br/&gt;This is used as the way down if you don't want to down-climb any of the other climbs.</climb>
  <climb id="84" stars="" extra="" number="2" name="Micro-roof" length="" grade="VE" fa="">Follow good holds and smears to top via the micro-roof and slabby topout</climb>
  <image id="79" src="IMG_4775.JPG" height="667" width="500" legend="true">
      <path id="17393" points="275,354, 297,282, 313,203, 325,155, 321,127," linkedTo="81" d="M275,354C283.8,325.2 289.65067565250985,311.20389411765814 297,282C304.34932434749015,252.79610588234183 308.7389816452242,222.32676182344738 313,203C317.2610183547758,183.67323817655262 323.8156268636838,166.2515447950036 325,155C326.1843731363162,143.7484552049964 322.6,138.2 321,127"/>
      <path id="46229" points="181,333, 218,231, 221,157, 234,127," d="M181,333C195.79999999999998,292.2 211.43462676333334,259.88764224133325 218,231C224.56537323666666,202.11235775866675 219.01136175212162,169.92614861120958 221,157C222.98863824787838,144.07385138879042 228.8,139 234,127" linkedTo="82"/>
      <path id="13937" points="33,349, 66,284, 79,242, 83,206, 129,159, 148,147," d="M33,349C46.2,323 59.05417477756305,300.1565934521903 66,284C72.94582522243695,267.8434065478097 75.91465402277919,256.15629330724846 79,242C82.08534597722081,227.84370669275154 75.52369098374403,218.4106729669849 83,206C90.47630901625597,193.5893270330151 122.34413453938205,165.04147787963782 129,159C135.65586546061795,152.95852212036218 140.4,151.8 148,147" linkedTo="83"/>
      <path id="62217" points="" d=""/>
  <climb id="83" stars="*" extra="" number="3" name="Sharpie Direct" length="" grade="V3" fa="">Start directly under the round flake, small edges and smears to juggy top right over the flake</climb>
  <climb id="82" stars="" extra="" number="4" name="Palmerstone Bay" length="" grade="V1" fa="">Start 1.5m left of the ramp following up the steeper bulge. Top out straight up via mantle like move up high.</climb>
  <climb id="81" stars="*" extra="" number="5" name="The Ramp" length="" grade="V0" fa="">Start on the lowest part of the slab and follow the good edges and smears right up the ramp to the top. Good fun!</climb>
  <text id="86" class="heading3">The Nose</text>
  <text id="88" class="text">This boulder is about 5 metres downhill from The Thumb and the only problem/project is on the downhill, ocean facing side. Bit sharp but good hard mantle if you're into that sort of thing!</text>
  <image id="90" width="500" height="667" src="IMG_4744.JPG">
      <path id="59625" points="166,277, 225,171, 315,67, 338,10," d="M166,277C189.6,234.6 196.9200800563164,210.57572609512454 225,171C253.0799199436836,131.42427390487546 300.87559874621303,87.1241469191124 315,67C329.12440125378697,46.875853080887595 328.8,32.8 338,10" linkedTo="87"/>
  <climb id="87" stars="*" extra="" number="1" name="Debauchery Project" length="" grade="V6-8?" fa="">Open Project for anyone to jump on! Start matched hanging off the two crimps on the right of the slabby face. Don't use the other blocks for feet. Hang, heel up and mantle, sounds easy!</climb>
  <text class="heading2" new="false" id="12">Waterfront Boulders</text>
  <text class="text" new="false" id="13">Take the track from the Northern side of the car park and head down to a little inlet. head right and you will come to the first few problems.</text>
  <image new="false" noPrint="false" src="Cosy4Topo.jpg" width="" id="14" height="378" legend="true">
  <problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V0" name="" new="false" number="1." stars="*" id="15">Grab the break then the jug.</problem>
  <problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V1" name="" new="false" number="2." stars="" id="16">Use both cracks.</problem>
  <text class="text" new="false" id="17">A few metres further round is a short overhanging crack.</text>
  <problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V0" name="" new="false" number="3." stars="" id="18">Climb the crack.</problem>
  <text class="text" new="false" id="19">Continue around the Waterline until you come to a series of walls. This is the main area and will be awash at high tide.</text>
  <text class="heading3" new="false" id="20">Paddling Pool Boulders</text>
  <image new="false" noPrint="false" src="Cosy3Topo.jpg" width="" id="21" height="378" legend="true">
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="VE" name="" new="false" number="1." stars="" id="22">Follow the diagonal.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V?" name="" new="false" number="2." stars="" id="23">Move up using crimps and diagonal. Sit should probably go.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V?" name="" new="false" number="3." stars="" id="24">Crimp fest up face.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V2" name="Make a splash" new="false" number="4." stars="**" id="25">Lay off the arete all the way to the top.</problem>
  <image new="false" noPrint="false" src="Cosy1Topo.jpg" width="" id="26" height="378" legend="true" legendx="333" legendy="267">
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="VE" name="" new="false" number="1." stars="" id="27">The diagonal.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V2" name="" new="false" number="2." stars="" id="28">Up the slab.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V1" name="" new="false" number="3." stars="" id="29">Step up and grab the jug.</problem>
  <problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V0" name="" new="false" number="4." stars="" id="30">Rock over your foot.</problem>
  <problem extra="(SDS)" grade="VE" name="" new="false" number="5." stars="" id="31">Layback the back arete.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V1" name="" new="false" number="6." stars="" id="32">Too lazy for a sit. Start at the base of the crack.</problem>
  <problem extra="(Stand)" grade="V2" name="" new="false" number="7." stars="" id="33">Smears and slopes. Hard sit possible.</problem>
  <image new="false" noPrint="false" src="Cosy2Topo.jpg" width="" id="34" height="378" legend="true">
  <problem extra="" grade="V?" name="" new="false" number="1." stars="" id="35">This problem is steep, slopey with not so many holds. The wettest of these problems requires mid to low tide.</problem>
  <text id="56" class="heading2">Heart Beat Blocks</text>
  <text id="57" class="text">A collection of boulders and small cliffs just north of the waterfront boulders. Mostly easy but there are some harder lines that have yet to be climbed. Access via the same carpark.</text>
  <image id="71" src="south heart beat.png" height="525" width="700" legend="true" legendTitle="South Heart Beat">
  <problem id="58" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="1" name="Open project" length="" grade="V?" fa=""/>
  <problem id="59" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="2" name="Open project" length="" grade="V?" fa=""/>
  <image id="72" src="heartbeat.png" height="525" width="700" legendTitle="Heart Beat Block" legend="true">
  <problem id="60" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="3" name="104bpm Traverse" length="" grade="VE" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Low slab traverse. Go between "133bpm Left" and "The Heart Beat" in either direction</problem>
  <problem id="61" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="4" name="133bpm Left" length="" grade="VE" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Climb the left side of the slab</problem>
  <problem id="62" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="5" name="13bpm Right" length="" grade="VE" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Climb the centre of the slab.</problem>
  <problem id="63" stars="*" extra="(Stand)" number="6" name="The Heart Beat" length="" grade="V0" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Balance up the pedestal to the flake, which is followed to a mantle and slab.</problem>
  <problem id="64" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="7" name="Open Project" length="" grade="V?" fa="">Start on pedestal and follow the undercling flake right. Looks desperate.</problem>
  <problem id="65" stars="" extra="(SDS)" number="8" name="149bpm" length="" grade="VE" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Climb up cracks with opposing jugs.</problem>
  <image id="73" src="132bpm.png" height="525" width="700" legendTitle="132bpm Block" legend="true">
  <problem id="66" stars="" extra="(SDS)" number="9" name="132bpm Left" length="" grade="VE" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Left arete</problem>
  <problem id="67" stars="" extra="(Hang)" number="10" name="132bpm Right" length="" grade="VE" fa="M Hitchcock 2016 (but previous ascents likely)">Right arete</problem>
  <image id="74" src="north heart beat.png" height="533" width="400" legend="true" legendTitle="North Heart beat block">
  <problem id="68" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="11" name="Open Project" length="" grade="V?" fa=""/>
  <problem id="69" stars="" extra="(Stand)" number="12" name="Open Project" length="" grade="V?" fa=""/>
  <text id="38" class="heading2">Sloop Reef Point</text>
  <text id="39">Lovely day spot with mostly highballs with good landings, as well as the ultimate surprisingly deep natural rock pool just 20m away from the wall!! Can park at Sloop Reef Point and the wall is south about 20 meters along the shoreline. Climbs are from left to right btw.</text>
  <image id="40" src="slooop reef.bmp" height="717" legend="true" legendTitle="Sloop Reef Point">
      <path id="84034" points="43,536, 20,446, 26,403, 49,369, 109,273," linkedTo="42" d="M43,536C33.8,500 22.201881293943348,463.2264830643803 20,446C17.798118706056652,428.7735169356197 20.21286508053675,418.3658409930576 26,403C31.78713491946325,387.6341590069424 40.164117272512,382.83933439245106 49,369C57.835882727488,355.16066560754894 85,311.4 109,273"/>
      <path id="8294" points="161,555, 150,449, 158,359, 198,243," linkedTo="43" d="M161,555C156.6,512.6 150.5531282069038,485.1377095177147 150,449C149.4468717930962,412.8622904822853 149.79828381294175,394.1990319694583 158,359C166.20171618705825,323.8009680305417 182,289.4 198,243"/>
      <path id="93058" points="299,566, 245,450, 234,380, 246,311, 293,262, 348,214, 397,157," linkedTo="44" d="M299,566C277.4,519.6 254.35050570453424,476.7568317083595 245,450C235.64949429546576,423.2431682916405 233.7984636177684,408.0135571301939 234,380C234.2015363822316,351.9864428698061 233.8542188394488,335.2915623211024 246,311C258.14578116055117,286.7084376788976 273.31952817944665,280.7157428097419 293,262C312.68047182055335,243.2842571902581 327.4515091510672,234.74607249171098 348,214C368.5484908489328,193.25392750828902 377.4,179.8 397,157"/>
      <path id="4429" points="330,564, 308,475, 299,398, 314,343, 357,334, 418,318, 452,293, 457,238, 435,196, 415,156," linkedTo="45" d="M330,564C321.2,528.4 313.6925519590577,505.48269758721216 308,475C302.3074480409423,444.51730241278784 297.9645460181864,420.77998759989885 299,398C300.0354539818136,375.22001240010115 302.199586502451,356.02114592832993 314,343C325.800413497549,329.97885407167007 339.9140161182963,338.10720766387107 357,334C374.0859838817037,329.89279233612893 402.5010621480812,324.6890152834597 418,318C433.4989378519188,311.3109847165403 444.60281378881473,308.17371530499537 452,293C459.39718621118527,277.82628469500463 460.27390426933596,256.6805125956229 457,238C453.72609573066404,219.31948740437716 443.1549554734984,211.92157973397298 435,196C426.8450445265016,180.07842026602702 423,172 415,156"/>
      <path id="83059" points="546,557, 541,489, 536,430, 528,370, 512,303, 490,233, 471,172," linkedTo="46" d="M546,557C544,529.8 542.8591741276032,512.6115114205603 541,489C539.1408258723968,465.3884885794397 538.5720902570283,453.54451850664395 536,430C533.4279097429717,406.45548149335605 532.4959940265463,393.7913017238078 528,370C523.5040059734537,346.2086982761922 519.364551581531,329.55114649130934 512,303C504.63544841846897,276.44885350869066 497.63337939925475,257.3895780805457 490,233C482.36662060074525,208.61042191945432 478.6,196.4 471,172"/>
      <path id="21120" points="785,580, 796,515, 801,445, 804,378, 794,315, 770,244," linkedTo="47" d="M785,580C789.4,554 792.8964260248392,541.1864054154194 796,515C799.1035739751608,488.81359458458064 799.4361325131307,471.7812307126374 801,445C802.5638674868693,418.2187692873626 805.3719233140239,403.4785758318717 804,378C802.6280766859761,352.5214241681283 800.2752305303037,339.7317909135498 794,315C787.7247694696963,290.2682090864502 779.6,272.4 770,244"/>
  <problem id="42" number="1" grade="VE" extra="(Stand)" stars="" name="" length="" fa="">Left hand crack. nice enough</problem>
  <problem id="43" number="2" grade="VE" extra="(Stand)" stars="" name="" length="" fa="">Face just right of corner. cool rock formation</problem>
  <problem id="44" number="3" grade="VE" extra="(Highball, Stand)" stars="" name="" length="" fa="">Crack between small and tall boulder, can bail early over small boulder to take out the highball, grade stays the same</problem>
  <problem id="45" number="4" stars="*" grade="V1" extra="(Highball, Stand)" fa="Eli" name="" length="">Nice problem starting on arĂȘte. Head up then traverse right through obvious line to ledge then topout direct.</problem>
  <problem id="46" number="5" grade="V0" extra="(Highball, Stand)" stars="*" fa="Eli" name="" length="">Obvious crack</problem>
  <problem id="47" number="6" grade="V6" extra="(Highball, Stand)" name="Afternoon Pleasantries " fa="Eli">In corner up right hand slab. Start on very small opposing crimps and directly up from there.</problem>
  <image id="48" src="sloop reef 2.bmp" height="717" legend="true">
      <path id="28795" points="254,635, 341,583, 386,547, 429,506, 439,442, 425,384, 397,325, 357,275, 319,223, 288,184, 260,146, 227,106, 214,81, 214,51," linkedTo="49" d="M254,635C288.8,614.2 321.820202936824,595.7865313754506 341,583C360.179797063176,570.2134686245494 368.65216853214304,562.1793525343749 386,547C403.34783146785696,531.8206474656251 418.2909899052353,527.2159633952887 429,506C439.7090100947647,484.7840366047114 439.7820812021212,465.85347666469795 439,442C438.2179187978788,418.14652333530205 433.0635796175937,406.4628289347252 425,384C416.9364203824063,361.5371710652748 410.5566713607105,346.73054673996245 397,325C383.4433286392895,303.26945326003755 372.558314027271,295.3454875741237 357,275C341.441685972729,254.65451242587633 331.04031565378517,238.8792568767312 319,223C306.95968434621483,207.1207431232688 299.48351347923807,198.9869582695141 288,184C276.51648652076193,169.0130417304859 271.6311758172767,160.87265104504232 260,146C248.36882418272333,131.12734895495768 233.51102252245892,115.2003579121702 227,106C220.48897747754108,96.7996420878298 216.5926634122447,91.96896059026597 214,81C211.4073365877553,70.03103940973403 214,63 214,51"/>
      <path id="511" points="559,614, 545,515, 538,409, 529,303, 515,164," linkedTo="51" d="M559,614C553.4,574.4 549.0756178383044,554.7857931834479 545,515C540.9243821616956,475.214206816552 541.1978754008944,451.37184906185183 538,409C534.8021245991056,366.62815093814817 532.9772424586712,345.36627836410634 529,303C525.0227575413288,260.63372163589366 520.6,219.60000000000002 515,164"/>
      <path id="77160" points="570,393, 671,368, 746,324, 766,297, 767,258, 737,182," linkedTo="52" d="M570,393C610.4,383 638.6180325353066,380.69520315377184 671,368C703.3819674646934,355.30479684622816 735.2342259412114,332.0459995597262 746,324C756.7657740587886,315.9540004402738 761.9248706554903,309.80754936845904 766,297C770.0751293445097,284.19245063154096 770.8157508435711,273.1314257589887 767,258C763.1842491564289,242.8685742410113 749,212.4 737,182"/>
      <path id="78909" points="920,501, 899,390, 883,295, 849,215, 829,175," linkedTo="53" d="M920,501C911.6,456.6 905.8123548103329,427.9282457007721 899,390C892.1876451896671,352.0717542992279 892.5520816658435,328.4322858304522 883,295C873.4479183341565,261.5677141695478 856.3408265125756,231.31294780572372 849,215C841.6591734874244,198.68705219427628 837,191 829,175"/>
  <problem id="49" number="7" grade="V6" extra="(Highball, SDS)" stars="**" name="Hey... That looks easy!" fa="Eli" length="">nice little problem, tricky pretty much all the way through :) Stand start still good at V4</problem>
  <problem id="51" number="8" grade="VE" extra="(Stand)" stars="" name="" length="" fa="">Start in the corner, nice and easy</problem>
  <problem id="52" number="9" grade="V0" extra="(Stand)" stars="" name="" length="" fa="">Brilliant climb, start on jugs under overhang and traverse right then up on obvious easy line</problem>
  <problem id="53" number="10" grade="V0" extra="(Stand)" stars="" name="" length="" fa="">Another brilliant climb. Directly up orange wall on good holds</problem>
  <text id="75" class="heading2">Reserve Hillside&lt;br/&gt;</text>
  <text id="76" class="text">Plenty of granite boulders on this hillside, position and some images are on Google maps. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;http://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&amp;hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=115989656407107465266.00046d738268eb40057a0&amp;ll=-41.211592,148.24625&amp;spn=0.054432,0.132093&amp;t=h&amp;z=14 f.&lt;br/&gt;</text>