<guide version="3">
  <header name="Great Tier" id="1" access="For Zoloft Wall, walk down from the summit to the top of cliffs immediately left of Teardrop Gully to access the climbs by abseil.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;For Great Tier main wall and the Lower Tier, walk along the Organ Pipes track to a signpost on the RHS that marks the start of the climbers&apos; track to Great Tier. Head directly up the climbers&apos; track past the Central Buttress track junction to the cliff base and another track junction. To access routes on Great Tier main wall take the RH fork to meet a short gully below the RH end of the access ramp. Scramble up the gully for 3m to the ramp proper. To access routes on the Lower Tier take the LH fork that leads towards Step Tier.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Descent: There are several rap routes on Great Tier that provide return access to the ramp.  The Suicide Sadness rap station (1 x 58m) provides descent for routes at the LH end of Great Tier. If you still use 50m half ropes, the final 8m is down-climbable with care. Clouds of Obsession has a rap station at the top of the 1st pitch (1 x 30m). The Slow Combustion rap station (1 x 50m) and the Schizophrenic rap station (1 x 25; 1 x 40m) provide egress from routes in middle of Great Tier. Another set of rap stations (2 x 45m) descend Blue Meridian. On the Lower Tier, a rap station exists at top of Kabling (1 x 25m)." acknowledgement="" history="" intro="Great Tier is the big wall immediately R of Step Tier. A fine selection of quality routes are located here and the approach is straight forward. There are also two subsidiary cliffs, Zoloft Wall and the Lower Tier.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Zoloft Wall is located between Step Tier and the prow at the LH end of Great Tier. Routes here start mid-way up the cliff and are accessed mostly by abseiling in from above.  The longer Melancholy Mania is accessed from the bottom by traversing in from the LH end of the access ramp for the Great Tier main wall.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Immediately R of the prow and facing the Organ Pipes Track, is the Great Tier main wall. Routes here start from a rising access ramp starting at the RH end. The LH end of Great Tier main wall is split by the long chimney-corner of Nefertiti, while in the middle there is a group of three major crack lines: Slow Combustion, Doldrums and Roaring Forties. Towards the RH end, Blue Meridian ascends a clean face with white scabs.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The Lower Tier is a subsidiary cliff directly below the Great Tier main wall. Originally a number of routes on the main wall had an initial pitch leading up to the ramp, but many of these have since become overgrown. A new access track that runs L under the base of the cliff towards Step Tier now provides access to the start of routes in this area." rock="Broken dolerite cracks and faces up to 100m" sun="Morning sun" walk="15 min" camping="" autonumber="true"/>
  <text class="heading3" id="22">Zoloft Wall</text>
  <text class="text" id="24">Zoloft Wall is located at the top of the cliffs between the end of Step Tier and the prow of Great Tier and is best approached from Mt Wellington summit. Locating the cliff from the top is tricky. From the summit, head down, then right along the cliffline towards the top of Teardrop Gully near Ano's Sojourn (AS). Descend the ridge below staying left of Teardrop Gully, deviating to avoid tricky downclimbing, to emerge near the top of Sheeza and the nearby routes in Teardrop Gully. Rap in left of here from sling anchors.</text>
  <image id="40" src="zoloft nl.jpg" height="987" legendTitle="Zoloft Wall" legend="true" legendx="335" legendy="7">
      <path id="50459" points="117,573, 160,458, 140,261, 117,209, 118,140, 107,33,belay" d="M117,573C134.2,527 156.38947270480887,506.9775876565055 160,458C163.61052729519113,409.0224123434945 141.96702073986575,275.80441925267377 140,261C138.03297926013425,246.19558074732623 121.06853290511457,231.37693097813013 117,209C112.93146709488543,186.62306902186987 119.56582106189981,167.55845068943665 118,140C116.43417893810019,112.44154931056336 111.39999999999999,75.8 107,33" linkedTo="28"/>
      <path id="22862" points="143,262, 148,225, 147,145, 135,89,label 139,31,belay" d="M143,262C141.03297926013425,247.19558074732623 147.4897161193826,239.92580350805886 148,225C148.5102838806174,210.07419649194114 149.17984828556592,167.80456667976648 147,145C144.82015171443408,122.19543332023352 136.60367113293324,111.85231364429862 135,89C133.39632886706676,66.14768635570138 137.4,54.2 139,31" linkedTo="27"/>
      <path id="27054" points="150,191, 178,133, 186,87,label 191,15,belay" d="M150,191C161.20000000000002,167.8 171.89082159646796,150.64873761020368 178,133C184.10917840353204,115.35126238979632 183.95482787658244,105.56387004332868 186,87C188.04517212341756,68.43612995667132 189,43.8 191,15" linkedTo="26"/>
      <path id="1212" points="183,270, 184,176, 216,100, 225,19,belay" d="M183,270C183.4,232.4 177.71439051549095,208.3804124959558 184,176C190.28560948450905,143.6195875040442 207.7630229845404,131.5415949128574 216,100C224.2369770154596,68.45840508714261 221.4,51.400000000000006 225,19" linkedTo="25"/>
      <path id="39189" points="294,909, 201,871, 195,680, 190,455, 242,330,belay 252,186, 251,33,belay" d="M294,909C256.8,893.8 216.94643301621662,907.8861935425616 201,871C185.05356698378338,834.1138064574384 197.020482607112,756.4109785962355 195,680C192.979517392888,603.5890214037645 182.79260479519502,508.6720919506754 190,455C197.20739520480498,401.3279080493246 238.4315744912593,384.0361577037873 242,330C245.5684255087407,275.9638422962127 250.25114454203785,243.71223011275129 252,186C253.74885545796215,128.28776988724871 251.39999999999998,94.2 251,33" linkedTo=""/>
      <path id="22876" points="292,909, 269,592, 242,331," d="M292,909C282.8,782.2 278.04555532634834,696.5666195725862 269,592C259.95444467365166,487.4333804274138 238.4315744912593,385.0361577037873 242,331" linkedTo="21"/>
      <path id="67882" points="450,904, 401,781, 366,640, 347,488, 339,390, 367,340,belay 337,297, 322,159, 310,82, 315,67,belay" d="M450,904C430.4,854.8 417.05777561178695,831.4672947799017 401,781C384.94222438821305,730.5327052200983 376.5326060192478,697.1491400674 366,640C355.4673939807522,582.8508599326 351.22312483906745,527.1030077691429 347,488C342.77687516093255,448.89699223085705 335.93026996826774,412.7160022348186 339,390C342.06973003173226,367.2839977651814 367.4509142964711,360.9675147859072 367,340C366.5490857035289,319.0324852140928 342.06008286169697,317.3527777326035 337,297C331.93991713830303,276.6472222673965 325.8840883334072,189.92885154379792 322,159C318.1159116665928,128.07114845620208 310.4798292503377,88.30632729015235 310,82C309.5201707496623,75.69367270984765 313,73 315,67" linkedTo="20"/>
      <rect style="black_text_on_solid_white" id="39139" width="52" height="24" x="74" y="496" arrowDirection="north" text="Explorer"/>
  <climb name="Static Journey" id="28" number="1." extra="" grade="19" length="50m" stars="**" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Apr 2000.">Best done on a warm summer's day. Rap down the line using slings to access the start of the route (50m). Climb the corner 3m R of the Explorer line to a ledge at 8m where Zoloft starts. Up the crack on the L (also used by Zoloft) for 14m to a large sloping ledge. Move L around the corner (Zoloft goes straight up here) and follow the thin line up the face to the top.</climb>
  <climb name="Choc-o-Block" id="27" number="2." extra="" grade="17" length="25m" stars="" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Dec 2000.">The wide crack system just R of Static Journey. Abseil 25m down to the top ledge on Static Journey/Zoloft. Climb to the top of the crack and move L to the offwidth with chockstones.</climb>
  <climb name="Zoloft" id="26" number="3." extra="" grade="19" length="45m" stars="**" fa="H. Jackson, M. Jackson, Jan 1999.">Excellent exposure towards the top. Varied climbing on the face and cracks L of the upper pitches of Melancholy Mania. Access by abseil (40m) to a ledge at the base of line. Climb the finger crack/face off the L of the initial ledge. Up to large sloping ledge below the roof/overlap. Climb the blocky crack on the L of the hanging nose/arête until one can move R into the crack on the nose. Up through the steep section following hand cracks up the middle R of the hanging face.</climb>
  <climb name="Dynamic Journey" id="25" number="4." extra="" grade="20" length="25m" stars="**" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Dec 2000.">Terrific climbing. Abseil 25m to the upper of two ledges in common with Zoloft and Static Journey. From the RH side of the ledge and R of the hanging arête/nose, climb the steep wall (crux) to the overhang (1m L of Melancholy Mania). Follow the hand crack up the R of the hanging headwall past a flake. Up the wall on the R to the top.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="34">The next route originally started as for Peacepipe on Step Tier. The first pitch is now avoided and substituted by climbing the first 8m of Tsing Gai then traversing left around the prow via ledges to the start of pitch 2.</text>
  <climb name="Melancholy Mania" id="21" number="5." extra="" grade="17" length="100m" stars="" fa="K. Bischoff, J. Barnett, A. Wing, Mar 1981. Variant: C. Allen, D. James, Jan 2012.">Sounds depressing! The dark chimney corner R of Dynamic Journey. The vegetated 1st pitch can be avoided completely.&lt;br/&gt;1. 35m. (Original route). Start up the chimney corner, as for Peacepipe, for 15m then step R and scramble up grassy ledges to belay at the foot of the chimney. &lt;br/&gt;2a. 50m 17. (Variant). A less vegetated alternative to the original second pitch that takes the rib of rock to the L. Climb the shallow corner and cracks on the nose of rock 4m to the L, continuing past a loose, blocky section, moving R and up thin cracks to rejoin Melancholy Mania at the belay ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2b. 45m. (Original route). Climb easily up the chimney, taking care with jammed blocks. At 40m, mantle on two large blocks into a cave. Chimney and bridge out around a large chockstone to belay on a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;3. 20m 16. Climb the RH crack for 3m then move L into the middle one. Continue jamming up, then chimney out past a chockstone and finish through a hole behind some jammed blocks.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="38">Great Tier Main Wall: Suicide Sadness Area</text>
  <text class="text" id="39">The next climbs are located on Great Tier main wall and start off the access ramp at the LH end. Tsing Gai is depicted on the Zoloft Wall topo.</text>
  <climb name="Tsing Gai" id="20" number="6." extra="↓" grade="20" length="70m" stars="*" fa="K. Bischoff, P. Robinson, Mar 1981. FFA: S. Parsons, P. Bigg, Apr 1981.">Ought to receive a bit more attention. Located in an exposed position just left of the prow of Great Tier main wall, between Melancholy Mania and Janzoon. &lt;br/&gt;1. 8m. Climb up and left to a ledge and belay as for Janzoon. &lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Up the hollow flakes in the wall above, following the line to the left of Janzoon to the top of some dubious flakes. Finger-jam the bulge and continue up the crack system until one can make a spectacular step right around the arête to Janzoon Ledge. &lt;br/&gt;3. 32m. Step back around the arête and climb the thin crack just left of the arête to the top. Traverse back right to reach the Suicide Sadness rap station (1 x 58m).</climb>
  <image id="41" src="great tier 2 nls.jpg" height="1506" legendTitle="Great Tier" legend="true" legendx="823" legendy="8">
      <path id="93519" points="154,993, 126,864, 65,805,belay 74,654, 92,637, 98,593, 83,566, 104,386, 128,312,belay 150,294, 139,251, 155,232, 181,204, 193,173, 200,139, 217,81, 244,77,lower" d="M154,993C142.8,941.4 140.52473449565224,894.6814616312654 126,864C111.47526550434776,833.3185383687346 73.15921558154193,837.9506783100732 65,805C56.84078441845808,772.0493216899268 72.42852597266491,663.7780606145294 74,654C75.57147402733509,644.2219393854706 88.37407519440428,646.2158922142224 92,637C95.62592480559572,627.7841077857776 99.55366327825384,605.2566769728913 98,593C96.44633672174616,580.7433230271087 82.64204146511537,578.3495694535195 83,566C83.35795853488463,553.6504305464805 98.57153173679853,416.64068753007047 104,386C109.42846826320147,355.35931246992953 122.91512045373737,322.1697590925252 128,312C133.08487954626264,301.8302409074748 147.98219275703667,305.1896583473422 150,294C152.01780724296333,282.8103416526578 138.20131925784557,260.9036412027149 139,251C139.79868074215443,241.09635879728512 148.37947269265246,239.408685320127 155,232C161.62052730734754,224.591314679873 173.80018048731577,215.17866713811497 181,204C188.19981951268423,192.82133286188503 189.26940841648167,185.7625501541417 193,173C196.73059158351833,160.2374498458583 196.49506037571095,152.43560189310804 200,139C203.50493962428905,125.56439810689196 210.6813123871496,89.90360527265283 217,81C223.3186876128504,72.09639472734717 241.72128090372095,87.6774266225647 244,77" linkedTo="19"/>
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      <path id="20344" points="179,310, 205,316, 230,324, 235,292, 238,254,label 247,171, 244,77," d="M179,310C189.4,312.4 194.87503466021107,313.22059774986184 205,316C215.12496533978893,318.77940225013816 221.80124935157056,330.5590005187435 230,324C238.19875064842944,317.4409994812565 233.5289689627166,304.8715215762298 235,292C236.4710310372834,279.1284784237702 236.4952533674613,269.1728618780988 238,254C239.5047466325387,238.8271381219012 245.86862915010153,204.37544007200506 247,171C248.13137084989847,137.62455992799494 241.72128090372095,87.6774266225647 244,77" linkedTo="16"/>
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  <climb name="Janzoon" id="19" number="7." extra="↓" grade="17" length="60m" stars="**" fa="I. Lewis, B. Kennedy, Jan 1974.">A thoughtful crack and corner climb just right of the prow that is a credible companion line to Suicide Sadness. Pitch 2 and 3 can be combined into one single pitch.&lt;br/&gt;1. 8m. Up to the ledge on the left and move left in behind the trees to belay. This preliminary pitch helps reduce rope drag.&lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Up the hollow flakes above to a ledge below a left-facing corner. Bridge, jam and chimney the corner (a fist size cam is handy) through an overlap to a small roof. Turn this on the right and up to pull over a bulge to a belay ledge (RP anchor placements). &lt;br/&gt;3. 22m. Move up and right before stepping back out left round the massive flake, then up to gain access to the twin cracks above. Climb the twin cracks before reverting to the left hand line to pull around the bulge and up the groove. Traverse 2m right across the top of a large detached flake to locate the Suicide Sadness rap station (1 x 58m).</climb>
  <climb name="Massacre Madness" id="18" number="8." extra="↓" grade="21" length="60m" stars="*" fa="Pete Steane, D. Fife, May 1996.">A merger of the first pitches of Janzoon and Suicide Sadness. &lt;br/&gt;1. 38m. Climb up and through the crux of Suicide Sadness. Instead of exiting right into the base of the corner as for Suicide Sadness, step left and climb the face to the Janzoon belay ledge. Protection is a little problematic, but adequate.&lt;br/&gt;2. 22m. As for Janzoon pitch 2.</climb>
  <climb name="Suicide Sadness" id="17" number="9." extra="↓" grade="18" length="60m" stars="**" fa="M. Law, S. Parsons, D. Bowman, 1978.">The mesmerising steep face and corner midway between Janzoon and Nefertiti. The hollow sounding nature of the rock in the initial 15m detracts a little from the overall quality. RPs are the go in protecting this section. Several cams from tight hands to fist size are recommended for the corner above. Makes a superb single pitch of 60m, if you're up to carrying a large rack of gear.&lt;br/&gt;1. 38m. Climb to the large ledge on the left as for Janzoon. From the right end of the ledge continue straight up, navigating carefully past hollow sounding blocks on your left and up to an overlap. Turn this on the left via thin face moves (crux) to exit onto a ledge at the base of a corner. Jam, bridge and layback the corner. Finish through the roof to belay on top of the capping block. &lt;br/&gt;2. 22m. Climb the twin cracks above before following the right hand crack to a small ledge. Climb the short wall to reach a ledge, then finish up the left wall of a short corner to reach the rap station (1 x 58m).</climb>
  <climb name="Terror Firmer" id="16" number="10." extra="↓" grade="25" length="20m" stars="*" fa="K. Robinson, P. Robinson, Apr 2000.">A difficult variant finish to Suicide Sadness (SS). Instead of climbing through the roof on the 2nd pitch of SS, under-cling out right below the roof and climb the seam above to access the rap station as for Suicide Sadness.</climb>
  <climb name="Nefertiti" id="14" number="11." extra="↓" grade="15" length="60m" stars="**" fa="J. Moore, P. Stranger, Feb 1968.">The controversial bolt belay at the end of the first pitch could see an increase in traffic on this old trad line. Start at the chimney-corner near the L edge of the Tier, just R of Suicide Sadness and L of the black streaked wall of Clouds of Obsession. &lt;br/&gt;1. 40m. Bridge the wide chimney (being cautious of the odd loose block) and belay on a ledge to the R with a DBB. &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m. Step back into the chimney. Continue to just below the massive wedged chockstone, then traverse L 4m to a hakea bush and a small ledge, and the Suicide Sadness rap station</climb>
  <climb name="Clouds of Obsession" id="13" number="12." extra="↓" grade="22" length="70m" stars="**" fa=" (1) N. Deka, et al. (2) D. Stephenson, J. Otlowski, Apr 1989.">The black streaked wall directly across R of Nefertiti offers an excellent pitch. Starts from the ramp at a wall, 3m R of Nefertiti. &lt;br/&gt;1. 30m 22. Climb the black streaked wall to belay on a small ledge with a large Hakea bush. Three pins (renewed 2006) help with protection, although other pro is available. Quit while you are ahead and abseil off here (rap station, 30m) or: &lt;br/&gt;2. 40m 16. Step around L and climb the hand crack, or go straight up the wall above the belay. Continue up until forced L into Nefertiti, which is followed to the top. Descend as for Suicide Sadness.</climb>
  <climb name="Passiona" id="12" number="13." extra="" grade="13" length="66m" stars="" fa="V. Kennedy, J. Moore, Jan 1968.">Originally climbed after the 1967 fires, this route takes the big chimney and gully R of Clouds of Obsession. However, like a number of other old routes on the Pipes, it now appears to be completely choked up by regrowth and is probably too bushy to be worth climbing. Start from the big ramp. &lt;br/&gt;1. 30m. Crux. Climb the small overhanging chimney above for 16m and step R onto the wall at the overhang. Go over loose blocks to a ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 36m. Climb the scrubby gully taking the LH alternative.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="29">Great Tier Main Wall: Blue Meridian Area</text>
  <text class="text" id="62">The following climbs start off the access ramp R of the previous routes on Great Tier main wall.</text>
  <climb name="G Pillar" id="31" number="14." extra="↓" grade="15" length="30m" stars="*" fa="J. Nermut, T. McKenny, D. Humphries, Dec 2010.">Well protected climbing on good holds located on the pillar between Clouds of Obsession and Slow Combustion. Start a couple of metres L of Slow Combustion under a clean corner. Up the corner and line above keeping L of the bush. From the ledge step L onto the arête and follow it up past the second bush to the top of the pillar. From here either traverse 4m L to the Clouds of Obsession chains, or head up and R to the second belay of Slow Combustion and continue up that.</climb>
  <climb name="Slow Combustion" id="11" number="15." extra="↓" grade="16" length="52m" stars="**" fa="P. Robinson, B. Rathbone, Nov 1979, Alt start: H. Jackson, 1998.">A newly acquired rap station and manicure has increased the traffic on what has always been a fine route for its grade. Start off the ramp 3m L of Doldrums at a line leading to an orange overhang. &lt;br/&gt;1a. 32m 15. Original start: Up a shallow L facing corner moving R when tempted then L back into the line. Climb a stack of dubious blocks to pass the overhang on its LHS. Standing on the topmost block launch up a steep handcrack making use of the RH arête. At the top of the crack move R out onto the face and follow a strong line up a thin crack to a belay ledge on the arête.&lt;br/&gt;1b. 32m 16. Alternate start: Climb the blocky wall 1.5m R of the original start straight to the middle of the overhang, taking care with loose blocks. Hand traverse out L on good holds (crux) to join the original route on the face above. &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m 15. Continue up the line to the next ledge. Up a widening crack on the L past a jammed block and into a short chimney to exit R onto a ledge with a DBB . A 50m rap off will get you to the ground.</climb>
  <climb name="Twist in My Sobriety" id="33" number="16." extra="↓" grade="18" length="50m" stars="*" fa="Pitches 1 and 2: T. McKenny, A. Beech, Dec 2011, Pitch 3: I. Snape, T. McKenny, Jan 2012.">Takes a steep eliminate line (the line of the Slow Combustion abseil in fact) up the buttress between Doldrums and Slow Combustion. Start below the large roof to the L of Doldrums, as for the Slow Combustion Alternative Start. &lt;br/&gt;1. 32m 18. Up the stacked loose blocks to the middle of the roof which is climbed direct (crux). Continue up and slightly R onto the steep face above, climbing past a suspect flake to a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 8m 16. Neat climbing up the short wall to a second ledge. From here either finish up Pitch 3, if you have the large gear, or traverse 3m R to the rap anchors on Schizophrenic. &lt;br/&gt;3. 10m 17. Up the crack that splits the face to the small overhang. Climb the off-width using the RH wall. A couple of large cams (4.5 or 5) help restore some equanimity. Rap off as for Slow Combustion.</climb>
  <climb name="Doldrums" id="10" number="17." extra="" grade="14" length="120m" stars="" fa="J. Moore, M. Tillema, May 1968.">Desperately vegetated. The middle crack of the obvious trio on Great Tier. To start, scramble up the ramp from the R to the base of the line. &lt;br/&gt;1. 24m. Jam around the overhang and belay on a ledge beneath some cutting grass. &lt;br/&gt;2. 24m. Climb the crack then the chimney, moving L at a small overhang, to belay at the base of an obvious crack. &lt;br/&gt;3. 36m. Climb the crack and after passing a bush, continue on sloping ledges to easier ground. &lt;br/&gt;4. 36m. Scramble to the top.</climb>
  <climb name="Schizophrenic" id="32" number="18." extra="Þ ↓" grade="21" length="65m" stars="**" fa="Jon Nermut, Dave Humphries (alt), Jan 2012.">Takes a line up the middle of the column left of Blue Meridian. Start a couple of metres right of Doldrums at a short corner with a small overhang. &lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 21. Tricky start through the overhang leads to pleasant and non-sustained face climbing. 8 FH to DBB. &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m 21. Strenuous moves up the pillar to the right, then back left to finish on the next ledge. 7 FH to DBB. &lt;br/&gt;3. 20m 21. Move left from the belay and up the black groove, then pleasant face climbing to the top. 9FH to DBB.</climb>
  <climb name="Roaring Forties" id="9" number="19." extra="↓" grade="15" length="84m" stars="**" fa="C. E. Rathbone, P. Robinson, 1977.">A recent makeover to remove the verdant scrub has restored a worthy mid-grade classic. The prominent chimney line on the R of the Tier midway between Schizophrenic and Blue Meridian. &lt;br/&gt;1. 38m. From the ramp, 4m L of Blue Meridian, climb the chimney past a large flake. At 12m, directly below the trees, move L for 3m, then up the black juggy wall to a steep corner. Layback up this and trend back R into the chimney and up to belay below a large leaning chockstone. &lt;br/&gt;2. 46m. Step carefully onto the chockstone, climb the thought provoking chimney and up a narrowing section to a large ledge that extends leftward. Climb the steep corner directly above the chimney. At the top move R for 4m to the Blue Meridian top rap station. The route once continued for another pitch but regrowth now discourages this option.</climb>
  <climb name="Feeble Fifties" id="8" number="20." extra="" grade="15" length="124m" stars="" fa="Basil Rathbone, P. Robinson, Oct 1981.">Starts at Roaring Forties. &lt;br/&gt;1. 35m. Climb cracks in the wall R of the chimney before traversing L into the Roaring Forties belay. &lt;br/&gt;2. 25m. Continue up for a few metres and take an obvious traverse line R across the face to the next major line. &lt;br/&gt;3. 20m. Up the wall via the crack on the L. &lt;br/&gt;4. 40m. Up the wide chimney awkwardly via scrubby ledges to the top.</climb>
  <climb name="Shaky Flakes" id="7" number="21." extra="" grade="18" length="10m" stars="" fa="D. Fife, P. Mackenzie, 1983.">On the small wall at the top of Great Tier, above Blue Meridian and Slime Time. Climb the crack system on the wall L of the scrubby corner.</climb>
  <climb name="Blue Meridian" id="6" number="22." extra="↓" grade="17" length="90m" stars="***" fa="G. Cooper, Pete Steane, Jan 1985.">Two quality pitches of clearly differing character give this popular route its reputation. Start 5m L of the RH end of big access ramp at a short vee-groove below some conspicuous horizontal white scabs. &lt;br/&gt;1. 45m. Climb the vee-groove and the line above. Move R slightly and up between the white scabs past an odd mantle and up to a ledge. Climb the L edge of large flake and up to DBB. Copious wires protect this pitch. &lt;br/&gt;2. 45m. Continue up the crack and over thought-provoking bulge to gain a ledge. Up to the next ledge using a large block on the LHS. Layback to negotiate the bottomless chimney (crux). Continue to belay ledge and DBB. Descend via rap stations (2 x 45m).</climb>
  <climb name="Slime Time" id="5" number="23." extra="↓" grade="21" length="90m" stars="*" fa="D. Stephenson, N. Deka, 1988.">Better than it sounds, except after rain. Start at the far RH side of Great Tier and just L of the gully, below a prominent hand crack halfway up the cliff.&lt;br/&gt;1. 45m. Climb the wall L of the gully, aiming for the base of the hand crack to belay on a small ledge with a dead tree. &lt;br/&gt;2. 45m. Traverse R into the crack and move up this past a thin section involving flared finger jams (crux). Climb the arête above when the crack ends to belay on a large ledge just below the top. Abseil off as for Blue Meridian or climb to the top.</climb>
  <climb name="Shrapnel" id="4" number="24." extra="9Þ ↓" grade="21" length="23m" stars="*" fa="A. Williams, C. Godfrey, Mar 2008.">Recently downgraded this route follows the prow of a small buttress at the base of the gully just R of Great Tier (below the Arena). The route starts about 5m R of where the Great Tier access track heads up onto the L leading ramp where the other Great Tier routes start. Layback the pillar for 5m to a ledge, step L climb the face trending R to follow the arête to the top of the buttress. No natural protection required.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="43">The Lower Tier &lt;br/&gt;</text>
  <text class="text" id="44">To access the Lower Tier, take the signposted track at the base of Great Tier that leads L to Step Tier. To descend from the Lower Tier climbs, walk off down the ramp, continue up another climb on the main face or rap off.</text>
  <image id="56" src="greatTierLower.jpg" height="848" legendTitle="Lower Great Tier" legend="true" legendx="802" legendy="696" legendFooter="">
      <path id="51675" points="103,774, 112,606, 128,503, 131,319,belay" d="M103,774C106.6,706.8 108.16994138960817,647.5178353366473 112,606C115.83005861039183,564.4821646633527 125.2457906681086,544.6030567501491 128,503C130.75420933189142,461.39694324985095 129.79999999999998,392.6 131,319" linkedTo="57"/>
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      <path id="5457" points="312,815,label 313,767,belay 327,702, 350,654, 324,635, 320,597, 320,544, 321,499,label 322,480, 323,442, 326,353, 309,308, 307,272, 356,259, 379,235, 390,128, 400,85, 378,64, 366,27," d="M312,815C312.4,795.8 310.47294156796556,786.0371735213262 313,767C315.52705843203444,747.9628264786738 320.37492172219726,722.233347172749 327,702C333.62507827780274,681.766652827251 348.6216642057634,666.8070367547816 350,654C351.3783357942366,641.1929632452184 329.9992768906271,646.3986260921914 324,635C318.0007231093729,623.6013739078086 320.67117514531606,612.2692345559399 320,597C319.32882485468394,581.7307654440601 319.81629074869204,562.0035066281818 320,544C320.18370925130796,525.9964933718182 320.7622873224391,506.6068056819487 321,499C321.2377126775609,491.3931943180513 321.73312847299223,487.60583851972103 322,480C322.26687152700777,472.39416148027897 322.52133146367447,457.197726028335 323,442C323.47866853632553,426.802273971665 327.99943579525296,372.1374568974214 326,353C324.00056420474704,333.8625431025786 312.2935895113693,322.0410921274165 309,308C305.7064104886307,293.9589078725835 297.0165864235852,282.4082396860495 307,272C316.9834135764148,261.5917603139505 344.17357334334315,265.07746925411533 356,259C367.82642665665685,252.9225307458847 375.6596430750458,247.87019874026467 379,235C382.3403569249542,222.12980125973533 387.55161881648866,145.4884370250811 390,128C392.44838118351134,110.51156297491889 402.2419667915336,96.95715622151272 400,85C397.7580332084664,73.04284377848728 384.1523432473837,74.49517377494874 378,64C371.8476567526163,53.50482622505126 370.8,41.8 366,27" linkedTo="55"/>
      <path id="46630" points="501,796, 502,611, 501,557, 504,516, 509,483, 523,441, 530,395, 540,355, 550,322,belay" d="M501,796C501.40000000000003,722 502,632.6037033862252 502,611C502,589.3962966137748 500.6538905057129,573.4402009786367 501,557C501.3461094942871,540.5597990213633 502.56504695104417,529.2733157028413 504,516C505.43495304895583,502.7266842971587 505.7214045529252,495.94182413319004 509,483C512.2785954470748,470.05817586680996 518.8894685074937,458.22508434955006 523,441C527.1105314925063,423.77491565044994 526.8017571512698,411.17934617592897 530,395C533.1982428487302,378.82065382407103 536.3554702207388,368.3025336943034 540,355C543.6445297792612,341.6974663056966 546,335.2 550,322" linkedTo="52"/>
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      <path id="36182" points="351,654, 378,498,label 382,430, 365,398, 370,359, 390,320, 392,268, 361,225, 334,198, 345,106, 346,89, 365,29,lower" d="M351,654C352.3783357942366,641.1929632452184 374.2648069540698,524.9897820093018 378,498C381.7351930459302,471.01021799069815 383.8685149759003,444.37319212231006 382,430C380.1314850240997,415.62680787768994 367.4154564965631,412.29145093799826 365,398C362.5845435034369,383.70854906200174 365.19961744456845,373.9771935729465 370,359C374.80038255543155,344.0228064270535 385.88025443992603,337.0407657257604 390,320C394.11974556007397,302.9592342742396 398.07731522871865,287.9084464389059 392,268C385.92268477128135,248.09155356109412 370.7447699875553,236.76092929532535 361,225C351.2552300124447,213.23907070467465 336.03526651158626,213.1372946799227 334,198C331.96473348841374,182.8627053200773 344.25458574494286,112.77084615010249 345,106C345.74541425505714,99.22915384989751 344.28753604838226,95.59298621372818 346,89C347.71246395161774,82.40701378627182 357.4,53 365,29" linkedTo="59"/>
      <path id="83192" points="" d=""/>
  <climb name="Tsing Gai Direct Start" id="57" number="25." extra="" grade="14" length="30m" stars="" fa="K. Bischoff, P. Robinson, Mar 1981.">About 15m to the R of Sunday Morning Fever at the toe of the first sub-buttress , about 5m L of Janzoon, is Tsing Gai Direct Start. Now vegetated, the line apparently “climbs the wall and crack then follow scrubby ledges to belay on a large block” .</climb>
  <text class="text" id="58">Around to the R of the lowest point of the first sub-buttress is a short, recessed wall, with a fringe of vegetation at the top</text>
  <climb name="Janzoon Direct Start" id="47" number="26." extra="" grade="15" length="40m" stars="" fa="I. Lewis, B. Kennedy, Jan 1974.">Loose and vegetated.&lt;br/&gt;1. 7m 15. Start 5m R of the Buttress nose and climb the short wall to the large ledge.&lt;br/&gt;2. 35m 14. Climb the obvious corner crack at the LH end, past some loose rock before moving L to avoid the rooflets capping the corner system. Follow the scrubby ledges up and R to belay on a large block.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Thirsty Thirties" id="48" number="27." extra="↓ " grade="20" length="40m " stars="" fa="D. Stephenson, D. Bruce, Apr 1989. ">Start as for Janzoon Direct.&lt;br/&gt;1. 7m 15. Climb the short wall to the scrubby ledge.&lt;br/&gt;2. 33m 20. Climb up the middle of the wall and the short, thin crack for a few metres (crux). Bridge up the easy chimney above to belay on the ledge on the R. Descent as for Skyfall.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <text class="text" id="53">To the R of Thirsty Thirties is a rearing, overhanging wall bristling with roofs. The next two companion climbs weave unlikely paths through the difficulties to finish on the ledge at the beginning of Janzoon.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</text>
  <climb name="Skyfall" id="55" number="28." extra="↓" grade="20" length="40m" stars="**" fa="T. McKenny,  P. Robinson, April 2013.">A cracker of a climb, bold, steep and sustained. Start as for Thirsty Thirties, at the foot of the short wall.&lt;br/&gt;1. 7m 15. Either climb the wall to the big ledge or scramble easily up the jungle on the R.&lt;br/&gt;2. 33m 20. Starting 2m R of the Thirsty Thirties crack, climb up and R till it is possible to hand traverse back L under the roofs, avoiding the booming flake on the wall above, to an overhanging layback crack. Layback through the roof, and follow the steep incipient line up with spaced, small protection to a large open corner below a massive roof. Up the LH arête to an exhilarating hand traverse back R under the roof to a ledge below another open book corner. Thin bridging up the corner to a runner placement and welcome jugs. Finish up and L to the top of the wall and the ledge and DBB. Descent: abseil from DBB (40m), climb Janzoon or Tsing Gai, or climb back down R to the main Great Tier access ramp.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Quantum of Solace" id="59" number="29." extra="↓" grade="22" length="32m" stars="*" fa="O Gervasoni, T McKenny, May 2013.">Precarious and pumpy face climbing up an anti line. Start as for as for Skyfall. &lt;br/&gt;1. 7m 15. Either climb up the short wall or scramble easily up the jungle on the R to the big ledge.&lt;br/&gt;2. 32m 22. As for Skyfall but at the start of the leftward traverse climb straight up the face to gain a series of overhanging horizontal breaks. Load up on good gear, then blast onwards up the seams past the bolts to the big roof. Make a long stretch up and R to a bucket on the lip, clip the bolt above and then cut loose to muscle up to the ledge. Climb a metre or two of the final corner of Skyfall, before moving delicately L onto the arête past another bolt and up. Mixed bolts/trad and don't forget your RPs and micro cams. Descent as for Skyfall.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="49">To the R of the short wall is a heavily vegetated gully system, the location of the now unclimbable direct starts to Nefertiti, Passiona and the lost climb of Geriatric. Round to the R of the low point of the next sub-buttress is a wall with a couple of worthwhile recent additions.</text>
  <climb name="Procrastination " id="52" number="30." extra="" grade="17" length="35m" stars="" fa="T. McKenny, O. Gervasoni, A. Beech, Apr. 2013">Don’t’ be put off by the greenery, the rock is much better than it looks. Start in the corner crack behind the trees at the LH end of the wall, 3m L of Kabling. Climb the crack and step L at top, continuing straight up the main weakness to the top of an orange fin of rock and the indecisions of Procrastination Wall. When you have made your mind up, climb up and slightly R (crux) to the corners above. Finish over the blocks at a large ledge on the edge of the main Great Tier access ramp. Walk off.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Kabling" id="50" number="31." extra="↓" grade="17" length="20m" stars="*" fa="O. Gervasoni, B. Ikin, Mar 2012.">Well protected with a pulse raising overhang. Small cams are very useful! Start 3m R of Procrastination at the alcove of cleared rainforest under the black streaked wall with BR and prominent overhang (5m L of the fork in the track). Boulder up to a wide slot then up to the black streaked wall, before heading up past the bolt and left to a ledge. Climb the corner to the roof and swing out R and up through the overhang to a welcome rest. Up the horizontal featured face above to DBB. Rap off from here (25m). &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Elementary Jam" id="61" number="32." extra="" grade="14" length="26m" stars="" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Sep 2014.">The now obvious crack 2-3m R of Kabling. Climb the crack past ledges at 5m to perfect hand jamming where it steepens. Continue straight up the corner to behind the Zephyr pillar and a further 5m to belay. Scramble off R. and down the ramp.</climb>
  <climb name="Zephyr  " id="51" number="33." extra="" grade="15" length="26m" stars="" fa="B. Rathbone, P. Robinson, R. Rolls, 1979.">Originally climbed as a first pitch to the rarely repeated Doldrums. Worthy of inclusion in its own right, particularly after a clean and tidy up. Start about 10m R of Kabling, directly above the track junction. Climb the steep face on small holds, finishing between the blocks. Belay on trees. Walk off down ramp.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Scrambled Legs" id="60" number="34." extra="" grade="16" length="20m" stars="" fa="P. Robinson, C. Rathbone, Sep 2013.">The buttress R of Zephyr. RPs are handy. From the track climb the wall to a ledge, the short face above and directly up the steep buttress (crux) on small holds to a mantelshelf finish and easier ground. Top out below Schizophrenic and scramble off R.</climb>