<guide pagesize="500" version="2">
  <header access="Access from St.Marys is via Gardiners Creek Rd (past the hospital), turn right at the crossroads (left is back to highway), up and along Top Marshes Rd for about 3km, and turn left up to South Sister lookout. All outcrops are described in an anticlockwise direction around the mountain, from the main track, and climbs from left to right. From the end of the road, follow the main track. The first outcrop up to the right is &quot;Carpark Buttress&quot;, leave the track when level with it (cairn). " acknowledgement="by Ashley Mason, originally published in Craglets." history="To my knowledge, South Sister was first visited by climbers in the early 80&apos;s by K Biscoff and A Wing then later in 1984 when the party R McMahon, G Narkowicz, D Kearnes, &amp; H Mohler etc. led some excellent lines on the largest east facing buttress; Canyon Buttress. The mountain may have received visits after this initial period, but its climbing potential was rediscovered in Autumn 1995 by myself, P Wines &amp; P Witton, accessing new crags, cleaning cracks, and putting up new routes. Many undescribed lines and problems have been top-roped, due to lack of placements or too hard." intro="Situated at the eastern end of the Nicholas Range, above St. Marys lies South Sister, a beautiful rocky peak rising to 832m, with transmission masts and fire tower on top. Typical dolerite crags abound on the mountain offering some excellent climbs, with a strong emphasis on cranking cracks, as well as some varied routes. The rock is generally sound, and existing routes are clean, but care should still be taken of loose rock. Most routes are naturally protected, so a full rack including hexs and cams is necessary. As the crags face different directions the decision where to climb may depend on: weather conditions, time of year, and time of day. West facing crags are best in summer, especially afternoons, whereas the eastern facing crags are good any time, especially in winter, when the cold westerlies whistle over the top of the mountain and the rock is bathed in winter sun, it is generally dry, though not recommended during an easterly. The crags have a friendly atmosphere, are a great place to perfect your jamming skills and are a good training ground for longer routes, as many cracks are single pitch yet sustained. On a clear day, views of the east coast from Freycinet to Flinders Islands, The Fingal Valley and the mountains of the North East can be gained. The flora, fauna, geology, etc. are fascinating, but that&apos;s another story, enjoy this magical place and stay safe." name="South Sister" rock="Vertical dolerite buttresses, up to 25m" sun="" walk="10 mins" id="1" camping="" autonumber="true"/>
  <image noPrint="false" src="south sister overview.png" width="" id="2" height="858"/>
  <image noPrint="false" src="south sister detail.png" width="" id="3" height="573"/>
  <text class="heading3" id="4">Car Park Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="5">The first three lines start from the grassy ledge.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="10m" name="Fat Jam" number="1." stars="" id="6" fa=" Ashley Mason Oct 2004">Climb thin corner and face to ledge, then fistcrack to top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="16" length="10m" name="Sheavinos" stars=" ** " id="7" fa="Peter &amp; Shea Wines, Dec 1996." number="2.">Up steep face using twin cracks to gain ledge, lay back corner to top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="14" length="10m" name="Laid Back" id="8" fa="A.Mason, Nov 1996." number="3.">Climb cracks to sloping ledge, then layback to top.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="9">Immediately below is a smaller cliff.</text>
  <climb id="75" name="Euphrasia" length="10m" grade="20" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton Feb 2005" number="4.">The cleaned face at star t(left side) of lower tier.</climb>
  <climb id="76" name="Intro" length="6m" grade="18" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton Oct 2003" number="5.">Climbs small pinnacle via crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="14" length="9m" name="Oh Well" id="10" fa="A.Mason, Sep 1996." number="6.">Up chimney and out right on face holds.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="9m" name="Problem One" id="11" fa="A.Mason (TR as no placements), Jul 1996." number="7.">2m from corner, a small triangular ledgr in niche is gained delicately, contiue straight up.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="12">Caramel Slice Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="13">This area is best accessed from the last lefthand bend on the road. Follow a small track contouring north, passing some small outcrops, until you reach a larger crag about 5mins away. This is the beginning of Caramel Slice Buttress.</text>
  <climb id="77" name="Forrestry Vandals" length="8m" grade="16" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Norm Selby July 2003" number="8.">Just before the main crag is a small face. Climb this.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="11m" name="Look Sharp" number="9." stars="" id="14" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Nick Hancock  Sept 2011">Climb the U-bolted sharp flake to a DBB..</climb>
  <climb id="91" number="10." length="7m" grade="24" fa="Nick Hancock &amp; Ashley Mason  Sept 2011" name="Slice&apos;n&apos;Dice" extra="3Þ">Climb the funky and pumpy, double arete, of the small detached pinnacle below LS, to a DBB.</climb>
  <text id="74">5m down on a large ledge next to a big white gum is a clean face.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="25m" name="Exit Stage Three" stars=" ** " id="15" fa="P.Wines, Jul 1995." number="11.">Climb the face/thin crack on left hand side to under cling, to first stage, up middle of face, step left to gain offwidth crack on arete, a balancy move, but becomes easier towards the top. A beaut. Belay, same as Caramel Slice.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="16" length="25m" name="Caramel Slice" id="16" fa="A Mason, May 1995." number="12.">Ascend face to undercling, layback and straight up to horizontal break. Step right, onto sharp edge, gain the wide crack with difficulty and continue to the top. A harder/bolder varient is to go left from the sharp edge, onto face and straight up.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="17">Around the corner is another face.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="20m" name="Ramble On" stars=" ** " id="18" fa="A.Mason, Mar 1997." number="13.">Climb the blind crack on the right side of face to horizontal break. Move delicately up face on finger flakes, (2RPs) to top left corner.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="19">10m further on is another clean face with a large flake going half way up. The left side has been top roped.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="18m" name="Turn the Page" number="14." stars="***" id="20" fa="Norm Selby, Ashley Mason 13 Jul 2003.">This is the first bolted climb at South Sister area. The line of bolts left of Science Circus and to the right of the big gully. 7 bolts up an arête to the rap point.</climb>
  <climb id="78" name="Hot Piss" length="22m" grade="19" fa="Gerry Narkowicz &amp; Bob MacMahon 1984" number="15.">Start as for Science Cricus but head up left across the blank face to finish up hand crack. Poorly protected.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="15" length="22m" name="Science Circus" stars=" *** " id="21" fa="Ashley Mason, Jul 1996." number="16.">Classic. Layback the RH edge of the big flake and gain the top of the leaning block. From the block climb the slabby face staying left of the shallow vee-groove. Trend right and into the base of the crack in the head wall. Up crack to finish.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="22m" name="Gritstone Roots" stars=" * " id="22" fa="Ashey Mason, Jul 1997." number="17.">Start 1m to right of chimney using small square undercling, move delicately up face to spike runner, accend slab to 2nd spike runner and continue easily to top. Spaced gear.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="22" length="24m" name="Judgment Over the Dead" id="24" fa="G.Narkowicz, 1984." number="18.">At the lowest point a steep, slightly overhanging face is broken by a thin crack, layback this on finger tips (crux), continue up crack and face to top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="18m" name="All Most 27" number="19." stars="**" id="25" fa="N Selby, A Mason 6 Sep 2003.">First line of bolts right of J.O.T.D. 8 bolts to rap point.</climb>
  <image id="117" src="P1070171.JPG" height="800" noPrint="false" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="Grand Final Addition" legendFooter="Photo R. Parkyn" legendx="9" legendy="9">
      <path id="49758" points="135,660, 211,392, 316,71,lower" d="M135,660C165.4,552.8 178.2689888126484,498.51141209585694 211,392C243.7310111873516,285.48858790414306 274,199.40000000000003 316,71" linkedTo="26"/>
      <path id="46497" points="356,494, 404,287, 448,72,lower" d="M356,494C375.2,411.2 385.8951127202065,370.0463307834005 404,287C422.1048872797935,203.9536692165995 430.4,158 448,72" linkedTo="27"/>
  <climb extra="" grade="22" length="18m" name="The Grand Final Addition" number="20." stars="*" id="26" fa="N Selby, A Mason 27 Sep 2003.">Start as for All most 27 then head right up to the same rap point.</climb>
  <climb extra="5Þ" grade="26" length="15m" name="Slice of Life " number="21." stars="***" id="27" fa="Nick Hancock,  Apr 2004.">At the right side of the cliff climb the sharp overhanging arête by ludicrous barn-door lay-backing to DBB.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="28">Canyon Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="29">Walk in a northerly direction, gradually accending until large twin buttress. The first line is on the left of the southern buttress.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="15" length="18m" name="Barley Straw" id="30" fa="H.Mohler, 1984." number="22.">Climb the obvious crack system to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="21" length="18m" name="Wide Open" id="31" fa="R.McMahon, 1984." number="23.">A delicate face climb, finishing up the righthand crack. Sparse protection.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="22m" name="Small Beers and Thin Books" stars=" *** " id="32" fa="G.Narkowicz, 1984." number="24.">Bridge the twin finger cracks, contiue to top. Classic.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="22m" name="Lawyers, Guns &amp; Money" number="25." stars="" id="33" fa="R.McMahon, 1984.">Grunt up offwidth crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="22m" name="The Way We Were" stars=" ** " id="34" fa="R.McMahon, 1984." number="26.">Climb corner, then bridge between wide and thin cracks to top of piller, continue to top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="23" length="22m" name="Leather Joyboys" id="35" fa="G.Narkowicz, 1984." number="27.">Follow the thin crack on small holds and fingerlocks (awaits a 2nd accent).</climb>
  <text class="text" id="36">A few metres over on the Northern Buttress is a longish hand crack.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="22m" name="Bischoff and Wing&apos;s Original" stars=" ** " id="37" fa="Kim Bischoff &amp; Adrian Wing " number="28.">From the grassy ledge, follow the hand crack directly to top.</climb>
  <climb id="80" name="Knee Deep in Gore" length="22m" grade="20" fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Bob MacMahon July 1984" number="29.">Climb the grim offwidth to the top of the pillar, then the good cracked face above.</climb>
  <climb id="79" name="The Three Musketeers" length="22m" grade="20" fa="Ashley Mason, Peter Witton&amp; Peter Wines Oct 1997" number="30.">A more pleasant, but runout alternative start to Knee Deep in Gore. Climb the sparsely protected arete just to the right and finish up the top crack of the original.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="25m" name="Sizzling Snags" stars=" *** " id="38" fa="R.McMahon, 1984." number="31.">Start at low point, climb arête tending rightwards and on to big ledge (belay). Step up and left (crux) on small holds, becoming easier towards top.</climb>
  <climb id="81" name="Roo Burgers" length="16m" grade="19" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton Aug 2003" number="32.">2m R of Sizzling Snags climb finger crack to sloping ledge then hand crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="15m" name="Happy Cummings" id="39" fa="Some Lunatics in the 80&apos;s " number="33.">A grunt of a climb up the grim offwidth.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="18m" name="Have Hans, Will Jam" stars=" * " id="40" fa="R.McMahon, 1984." number="34.">A classic hand crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="22m" name="Just Slipped In" id="41" fa="A.Mason, Feb 2001." number="35.">Bridge between crack and offwidth edge on face holds to horizontal break, Follow crack to top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="18m" name="Emptiness, Eagles, &amp; Snow" stars=" *** " id="42" fa="G.Narkowicz, 1984." number="36.">Beaut layback/finger crack, becoming offwidth (crux).</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="10m" name="Pleasure in the Pain" stars=" ** " id="43" fa="G.Narkowicz, 1984." number="37.">A short finger/hand crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="9m" name="Solitary Pleasures" stars=" * " id="44" fa="G.Narkowicz (solo), 1984." number="38.">Another short vertical crack line.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="45">On a small overhanging crag, in front of the main southern buttress, is a thin crack.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="7m" name="Manx Minx" id="46" fa="G.Narkowicz, 1984." number="39.">Attempt to climb this overhanging gritty slit.</climb>
  <climb id="90" name="End of the Line" length="8m" grade="17" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton Apr 2004" number="40.">Crack up pinnacle at top of Northern buttress.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="47">Absent Friends Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="48">There is one more decent buttress on this side of the mountain. Walk in a westerly direction for about 10mins. This characteristic lump of dolerite offers some excellent fingerlicking cracks.</text>
  <climb id="82" name="Good Friends" length="12m" grade="20" number="41." fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton May 2003" stars="**">The left hand finger crack.</climb>
  <climb id="83" name="Three Ancient Treasures" number="42." length="13m" grade="20" fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Ashley Mason May 2003" stars="***">The second finger crack.</climb>
  <climb id="84" name="The Loner" length="16m" grade="20" fa="Gerry Narcowicz May 2003" number="43.">Fist to offwidth crack.</climb>
  <climb id="85" name="The Heights of Zaphon" length="16m" grade="23" number="44." fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Ashley Mason May 2003" stars="**">Thin seam up shallow corner to small ledge, then sensational left finger crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="16m" name="Absent Friends" stars=" * " id="49" fa="A.Mason, Oct 1997." number="45.">The furthest crack on the right. Climb to horizontal break on good holds, then hand jam to top.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="50">Dogwood Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="51">Walk up to summit antennas and at the last building head down slightly R down gully then head NW for 5 mins. Down R is a smaller crag facing South, with 2 crack lines.</text>
  <climb id="86" number="46." name="New Creation" length="15m" grade="20" fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Ashley Mason April 2003" stars="**">Hand crack in middle of crag.</climb>
  <climb id="87" number="47." name="Brand New Man" length="15m" grade="23" fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Ashley Mason April 2003" stars="**">Thin crack on right.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="52">Dinosaur Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="53">Access as for Dogwood but head left to bigger crag facing west, opposite pinnacle.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="24" length="20m" name="The All-consuming Fire" stars=" * " id="54" fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Nick Hancock, May 2004." number="48.">The thin crack left of T-Rex.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="21" length="20m" name="T-Rex" stars=" *** " id="55" fa="Ashley Mason." number="49.">Climb the double cracks in a recessed corner.</climb>
  <climb id="92" name="Raptor" length="20m" grade="19" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton 2001" number="50.">Nice hand crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="16" length="20m" name="Ageing Dinosaur" id="56" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Peter Witton Dec 2000" number="51.">Climb the crack that zig-zags left at about half-height. Finish as for Raptor.</climb>
  <climb extra="7Þ" grade="23" length="20m" name="Archaeopteryx" stars=" ** " id="57" fa="Ashley Mason Apr 2005." number="52.">Start near the base of Aging Dinosaur but follow the bolts up into the headwall right of it.</climb>
  <climb extra="7Þ" grade="27" length="20m" name="Let&apos;s Evolve" stars=" *** " id="58" fa="Nick Hancock, May 2004." number="53.">Fridge lifting arête right of Ageing Dinosaur to DBB.</climb>
  <climb extra="8Þ" grade="24" length="20m" name="Ice Age" stars=" *** " id="59" fa="Norm Selby 2005." number="54.">The beautiful bolted arête at the right end of this face. The top 5m is climbed to the left of the arête.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="60">The Pinnacle</text>
  <text class="text" id="61">The Pinnacle is a large isolated buttress on the southern side of the mountain below Dinosaur Buttress. Access by scrambling down beside Dinosaur Buttress, or abseil from Dinosaur Buttress and scramble across 5m below the top of the pinnacle towards the RHS is a ledge from which to abseil. 25m directly below this ledge are twin jam cracks starting from a small ledge halfway up the cliff. All routes start from this ledge as the bottom half of the cliff is vegetated, but the top 25m are spearing crack-lines.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="22" length="25m" name="No Condemnation" id="62" fa="Gerry Narkowicz and Ashley Mason, Apr 2004" number="55.">The thin jam crack on the L below the abseil line.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="22" length="25m" name="Not So Squeaky" id="63" fa="Gerry Narkowicz, Ashley Mason, Andrew Martin, 9 Dec 2004." number="56.">The precise, strenuous thin handcrack on the R below the abseil line with a small roof at half height.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="25m" name="Squeak Is My Hero" id="64" fa="Gerry Narkowicz, Ashley Mason. Andrew Martin, 9 Dec 2004." number="57.">The next crack to the R, beginning as a finger crack leading to a neat hand-crack through a roof. Belay on ledge, and then lead short easy chimney to finish.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="65">Breakaway Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="66">To access this cliff, walk up the main track to the last building on the ridge. Walk down left hand gully and bear left to walk out on top of buttress. Abseil, or walk down. From the lowest point, the left hand crack system is:</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="45m" name="The Ho Chi Min Trail" stars=" ** " id="67" fa="P.Wines, Oct 1996." number="58.">Start at left side, climb up to first ledge. Climb crack using pocket on left to gain next ledge, and continue up left crack to third ledge. Follow wide crack to top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="45m" name="Tin Pan Alley" stars=" ** " id="68" fa="A.Mason, Oct 1996." number="59.">A few meters right is a thin crack, step up 1m and layback to reach lip on left and mantelshelf, and up to ledge. Delicately climb slab and up grove becoming easier, to large ledge. Follow crack above to top.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="69">Tea Pot Rocks</text>
  <text class="text" id="70">This is an outcrop on the eastern end of the Nicholas Range. Drive half way up the track to South Sister then take a new forestry road heading left to its end. Go back a bit and walk down a 4WD track just below, heading west for half an hour. You'll see a big cliff off to the left. Head up easily to the cliff, arriving at the left end. A 4WD will get you within 2 minutes of the climbs.</text>
  <image id="109" src="Parapatry.jpg" height="844" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendx="9" legendy="8" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz">
      <path id="94508" points="239,772, 252,568, 242,334, 270,288, 251,174, 257,24,lower" d="M239,772C244.20000000000002,690.4 251.43997533880423,649.763600534583 252,568C252.56002466119577,486.23639946541704 240.61809585642146,355.49628667788835 242,334C243.38190414357854,312.50371332211165 268.79025026876985,309.5066618885356 270,288C271.20974973123015,266.4933381114644 253.27367284494176,220.17304854343251 251,174C248.72632715505824,127.8269514565675 254.6,84 257,24" linkedTo="98"/>
  <climb id="98" stars="***" name="The Line of Parapatry" length="25m" grade="23" extra="9Þ" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Nick Hancock,  Dec 2011" number="60.">From the left side of the ledge, climb a groove, then swing R and ascend a beautiful technical face to a DBB.</climb>
  <image id="110" src="Corner Gas.jpg" height="842" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz" legendx="8" legendy="9">
      <path id="91930" points="451,733, 455,639, 453,485, 432,300, 421,139, 381,107, 341,72, 336,10," d="M451,733C452.6,695.4 454.69650964980025,676.6328034247693 455,639C455.30349035019975,601.3671965752307 457.17011662572554,546.4638928748241 453,485C448.82988337427446,423.53610712517593 437.9445851352315,364.27582677469024 432,300C426.0554148647685,235.72417322530976 426.23477379766047,158.81002633232293 421,139C415.76522620233953,119.18997366767708 396.70861496363295,120.15596503204259 381,107C365.29138503636705,93.84403496795741 349.9471071249424,91.28598646932028 341,72C332.0528928750576,52.714013530679715 338,34.8 336,10" linkedTo="99"/>
  <climb id="99" stars="**" name="Corner Gas" length="25m" grade="23" extra="7Þ" fa="Nick Hancock &amp; Ashley Mason,  Sep 2011" number="61.">From the R side of the ledge, climb a blank corner using the R arete, then trend L, to a tenuous move L, to finish up the previous climb.</climb>
  <climb id="107" name="Project- Ashley" number="62.">Rounded arete R of Corner Gas. There is big dangerous tree hanging above which is being removed.</climb>
  <image id="111" src="Grey Nomads.jpg" height="843" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz" legendx="413" legendy="5">
      <path id="85947" points="461,591, 455,539, 447,507, 432,466, 414,408, 384,298, 360,229, 346,171,lower" d="M461,591C458.6,570.2 457.1690700460946,552.0144202765676 455,539C452.8309299539054,525.9855797234324 450.9648575757228,519.5841131751201 447,507C443.0351424242772,494.4158868248798 437.52231835373516,482.5669550612054 432,466C426.47768164626484,449.4330449387946 420.6734053992427,431.35691889734943 414,408C407.3265946007573,384.64308110265057 392.4398606346718,325.9765750667825 384,298C375.5601393653282,270.0234249332175 366.8414102253322,251.86471312150493 360,229C353.1585897746678,206.13528687849507 351.6,194.2 346,171" linkedTo="100"/>
  <climb id="100" stars="***" name="Last of the Grey Nomads" length="20m" extra="6Þ" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock, Ashley Mason,  Oct 2011" grade="23" number="63.">150 metres R, scramble up to a big ledge below a fine looking white arete. Classic moves up the sustained double arete to a DBB.</climb>
  <image id="112" src="Earl Grey.jpg" height="842" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz" legendx="15" legendy="9">
      <path id="56277" points="334,821, 303,620, 274,442, 262,356, 248,69," d="M334,821C321.6,740.6 314.2799068999689,691.251411918137 303,620C291.7200931000311,548.748588081863 279.3302843277064,476.3218307930362 274,442C268.6697156722936,407.6781692069638 264.41522536088553,390.64919460039636 262,356C259.58477463911447,321.35080539960364 253.60000000000002,183.8 248,69" linkedTo="105"/>
  <climb id="105" name="Earl Grey" stars="*" extra="5Þ" number="64." length="12m" grade="21" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Nick Hancock, Nov 2012 ">The wall below Last of the Grey Nomads.</climb>
  <image id="113" src="Lifes Too Short.jpg" height="842" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz" legendx="8" legendy="9">
      <path id="55422" points="418,790, 404,713, 366,500, 351,387, 340,290, 328,200, 314,149, 296,124, 280,49,lower" d="M418,790C412.4,759.2 409.52518103369005,743.8135096109637 404,713C398.47481896630995,682.1864903890363 373.31686048504173,545.0055946815775 366,500C358.68313951495827,454.99440531842254 355.79796574129085,425.7528002181184 351,387C346.20203425870915,348.2471997818816 344.43358333860436,326.0469601877835 340,290C335.56641666139564,253.95303981221647 331.836186428239,220.8039340916038 328,200C324.163813571761,179.1960659083962 318.781769300903,160.35670208964473 314,149C309.218230699097,137.64329791035527 299.9665941020186,135.6664532412311 296,124C292.0334058979814,112.3335467587689 286.40000000000003,79 280,49" linkedTo="106"/>
  <climb id="106" name="Life&apos;s Too Short" stars="***" extra="10Þ" number="65." length="25m" grade="25" fa="Nick Hancock, Dec 2012">Carefully use the first hold to begin the magnificent big arete, up the crack, then exquisite moves to the top.</climb>
  <image id="114" src="Bored to death.jpg" height="842" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz" legendx="9" legendy="7">
      <path id="26040" points="417,825, 377,366, 375,279, 364,100,lower" d="M417,825C401,641.4 379.6697433231988,400.7066632015847 377,366C374.3302566768012,331.2933367984153 376.6991732008372,313.76769780174635 375,279C373.3008267991628,244.23230219825368 368.40000000000003,171.60000000000002 364,100" linkedTo="101"/>
  <climb id="101" stars="***" name="Bored to Death" length="25m" grade="25" extra="8Þ" fa="Nick Hancock,  Oct 2011" number="66.">Climb a perfect box shaped groove with much difficulty, then the fine technical wall and groove above to a DBB.</climb>
  <climb id="102" stars="**" name="Big Bang Theory" length="30m" grade="23" extra="10Þ" fa="Nick Hancock &amp; Ashley Mason,  Dec 2011" number="67.">Climb up to a short blank groove and the crux, then ascend more easily to a few thinner moves to gain a DBB.</climb>
  <image id="115" src="Leap Of Faith.jpg" height="842" legend="true" legendTitle="Tea Pot Rocks" legendFooter="Topo G. Narkowicz" legendx="426" legendy="10">
      <path id="17299" points="46,723, 80,538, 120,417, 187,227, 227,65," d="M46,723C59.6,649 68.01784386923568,587.5478348109984 80,538C91.98215613076432,488.45216518900156 103.41571557815658,465.2029201419935 120,417C136.58428442184342,368.7970798580065 167.58776060174915,290.8608249363019 187,227C206.41223939825085,163.1391750636981 211,129.8 227,65" linkedTo="103"/>
      <path id="81982" points="350,740, 310,653, 296,559, 294,401, 323,290, 364,189, 385,121, 384,83, 325,18,lower" d="M350,740C334,705.2 320.8680480890505,689.4280871132988 310,653C299.1319519109495,616.5719128867012 298.40878359218453,596.9383415769064 296,559C293.59121640781547,521.0616584230936 289.41693815486667,446.660875420032 294,401C298.58306184513333,355.339124579968 309.3291234464972,331.4032261334656 323,290C336.6708765535028,248.59677386653442 354.19527555160136,215.72578115773183 364,189C373.80472444839864,162.27421884226817 382.1808248782425,135.9416281453148 385,121C387.8191751217575,106.05837185468519 391.6535585361247,96.13860882034747 384,83C376.3464414638753,69.86139117965253 348.6,44 325,18" linkedTo="108"/>
  <climb id="103" name="Tea Pot Crack" length="27m" grade="16" fa="Ashley Mason &amp; Pete Witton,  Apr 96." number="68.">Climb the obvious large crack, easily at first, becoming more difficult, hand jam at half height, and bridge offwidth to finish under protruding flake.</climb>
  <climb id="108" stars="**" extra="8Þ" number="69." name="Leap Of Faith" length="27m" grade="19" fa="Jemimah Narkowicz 17/2/13">Bolted arete on the far right of the amphitheatre, right of Big Bang Theory and Tea Pot Crack. Pleasant technical face climbing left of the arete with some big holds and not so big holds. For short people, two leaps of faith are required, one to get off the ledge at the bottom and one higher up the route. 8 bolts.</climb>
  <climb id="104" name="Red Light Jam" length="20m" grade="18" fa="AshleyMason, Pete Witton &amp; Peter Wines,  May 96." stars="**" number="70.">Climb the hand crack, becoming easier towards top as the crack veers left.</climb>
  <climb id="93" name="Not Everyones&apos;s Cuppa" grade="20" length="15m" fa="Gerry Narcowicz &amp; Ashley Mason  Jun 2003" number="71.">Sharp gritty handcrack facing south east on back of the cliffs. It is accessed by heading up L from The Line of Parapatry.</climb>
  <text id="94" class="heading3">Ashley's Big Rock Candy Mountain</text>
  <text id="95">Go north and west on Dublin Town Road from the South Sister turnoff for 4km, then turn L on Lohreys Road for 1.4 km to an old 4WD track heading L up the hill, GDA 0595807 5401653. Walk up this for a few hundred metres, then head L, GDA 0595807 5401653 up the steep scrubby hill to a massive boulder, GDA 0595847 5401410.</text>
  <image id="116" src="P1070215.JPG" height="450" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="Candy Mountain" legendFooter="Photo R. Parkyn" legendx="10" legendy="10">
      <path id="45825" points="174,317, 195,194, 210,102,belay" d="M174,317C182.4,267.8 188.84249738185554,230.7739739694739 195,194C201.15750261814446,157.2260260305261 204,138.8 210,102" linkedTo="96"/>
      <path id="12858" points="368,347, 394,207, 398,54,belay" d="M368,347C378.40000000000003,291 388.198501974853,263.66129737893596 394,207C399.801498025147,150.33870262106404 396.4,115.2 398,54" linkedTo="97"/>
  <climb id="96" number="72." name="Fields of Dreams Growing Wild" length="8m" grade="23" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock  2010" stars="***" extra="3Þ">Awesome technical climbing on the L of the face.</climb>
  <climb id="97" name="Childhood&apos;s End" number="73." length="8m" grade="23" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock  2010" stars="**" extra="4Þ">Steep start to technical slab in middle of face.</climb>