Hey guys

Here is ICP’s latest product, the micro. It’s an awesome little fingerboard which can be easily installed above your doorway architraves. Created to spice up your in-house climbing and keep your finger strength strong when stuck inside.

It’s pretty gnarly!

200 grams

51cm (L) x 2cm (H) x 1.5cm (W)

2 x open crimps

2 x closed crimps

2 x Split two finger pockets (can be used as one finger if you are tough enough)

1 x One pad sloper

3 Screw holes (screws and instructions come with board)

RRP $39.00 AUD (free shipping)

For purchases or more information - Sales@icptraining.com.au http://www.facebook.com/indoorclimbingproductions

Also available at






Indoor Climbing Productions