Hi all,

After what can only be described as a fantastic season... Bare Rock is closed to climbing for the Peregrine nesting season.

There will be at least a 6 week to 2 month closure, final duration will be made by the resident raptor expert after that period. I will post once again when it is all back up and running, but for now, I would greatly apreciate the continued support of the climbing community in looking after these magnificent birds and the cliff in general.

I apprecate the way in which climbers have supported this move and love the respect that has been shown to our property in general. Thanks to all the climbers who have been up over the last year, you made it a fantastic place to be. During the break, I will be working on developing a small fixed campsite (hut and tent platforms) on the top of the property, closest to the cliff. Anyone who wants to be involved in a building day / materials gathering... please get in touch. A big thanks to Simon Young for sourcing roofing iron for the hut already!

Kind regards
