
import com.atlassian.confluence.pages.Page;
import bucket.container.ContainerManager;

def index = null //request.getSession(true).getServletContext().getAttribute("climb.index")

if (index  == null )
  out.println "Creating index..."
  index = new Index()

  String pageTitle="Climbing Guides"
  //String pageTitle="Hobart Craglets"
  Page page = ContainerManager.getComponent("pageManager").getPage(context.spaceKey,pageTitle);

  addChildren(page, index)

  request.getSession(true).getServletContext().setAttribute("climb.index", index)

//  for (c in index.climbs)
//    out.println c
def totalStars = ["","*","**","***"]
def totalGrades = ["10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","31","32","33","34","VE","V0","V1","V2","V3","V4","V5","V6","V7","V8","V9","V10","V11","V12","V13","V14","V15"]
def totalSorts = ["grade,stars,name","name","area"]

def sortBy = "grade,stars,name"
def grades = ["17","18" ]
def stars = ["***"]
def pages = ["Northern Buttress"]

out.println '''
h2. Search Criteria
{info}Use Ctrl & Shift to select multiple values{info}
|| Stars || Grades || Areas || Name Starts With || Sort By || 
| {html}<select multiple='true' name='climb.stars' >'''
for (a in totalStars)
  out.println "<option " + (stars.contains(a)?"selected":"") +  " value='" + a + "'>" + (a==""?"none":a) + "</option>"
out.println '''
</select>{html} | {html}
<select multiple='true' size='10' name='climb.grades' >'''
for (a in totalGrades)
  out.println "<option " + (grades.contains(a)?"selected":"") +  " value='" + a + "'>" + a + "</option>"
out.println '''
{html} | {html}<select multiple='true' size='10' name='climb.pages' >'''
for (a in index.pages)
  out.println "<option " + (pages.contains(a)?"selected":"") +  " value='" + a + "'>" + a + "</option>"
out.println '''
{html} | {html}<input type='text' name='climb.name' /></td>
<select name='guide.sort'>'''
for (a in totalSorts)
  out.println "<option " + (sortBy==a?"selected":"") +  " value='" + a + "'>" + a + "</option>"

out.println '''
{html} |'''

def filtered = new ArrayList();
for (c in index.climbs)
  if ( pages.contains(c.page) && grades.contains(c.grade) && stars.contains(c.stars) )
    filtered.add c
out.println "h2. Results"
out.println "|| || Stars || Climb || Length || Grade || Area ||"
for (c in filtered)
  out.println "| □ |" + c.stars + "|" + c.name + "|" + c.length + "|" + c.grade + "| [" + c.page + "]|"

def addChildren(Page page, Index index)
  for (child in page.sortedChildren)
    doPage(child, index)

def doPage (Page page, Index index)
  int index1 = page.content.indexOf("{guide}")
  if (index1 > -1)
    int index2 = page.content.indexOf("{guide}",index1+1)
    String xml = page.content.substring(index1+7, index2)
    //out.println ("Page:" + page )

    def x = new XmlParser().parseText(xml)
    def climbs = x.climb
    climbs.addAll x.problem

    if (climbs.size() > 0)
      index.pages.add page.title  

    for (climb in climbs)

      Climb c = new Climb( name: climb.@name , 
grade: climb.@grade , 
stars: climb.@stars, 
length: climb.@length, 
page: page.title)
      c.stars = c.stars==null?"":c.stars
      c.stars = c.stars.trim()
      index.climbs.add( c )

  addChildren(page, index)


class Index
  List climbs = []
  List pages = []

class Climb
  String name
  String grade
  String stars
  String length
  //String extra
  //String number
  String page;  

  String toString()
    return stars==null?"":stars + " " + "  " + length + "  " + grade 
