Tyndall Mania!!
it's summer so why not!!!!
i have linked 3 videos of me and gary climbing at the tyndalls, which is on the west coast of tassie. the route we attemped was Deeper Waters, still unreapeted. it's 310 meters long and has some pritty hard pitches, with the first being the real deal and full value 48 meters of conglonerate slabby pebble pulling (it's hard)!. first graded 26 but after having tried it a few times and still haven't red pointed it i think it's more 27/8. it's 9 pitches and was first but up by Adam Donoghue and Garath Lewelian.
we did not free every pitch, so we will be back!!!
the first one day free ascent is still up for grabs!!!

see you out there

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzKydaN_PPg

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RTJLgO-ytM

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sTF0ZKN3TY

cheers jake